
Data From Shells: Theory in Search of a Method
Abraham, Judith Farber 1990 ASC 53
Angstadt, Suzanne F.,  Cook, Elizabeth H, and Gammill, Mary W. 1980 Tokeneke Survey ASC 42
Ardito, Tony 1994 Reducing the Effects of Heavy Equipment Compaction on Buried Archaeological Sites ASC 57
Baker 1978 18th C. Ebenezer Grosvenor  Homestead site ASC 41
Banks, Marc 1990 Aboriginal Weirs in Southern New England ASC 53 73-83.
Bardy, Brian Gerard 1998 Dating a Mid-Nineteenth Century Burial in Cook County, Illinois Using a Connecticut Gunpowder Flask  ASC 61
Basto, Arthur 1939 Second Summer’s Field Work on the Village Site at South Woodstock, Connecticut ASC 27-44.
Basto, Arthur 1962 A cross-section of an Algonquian Village Site Located at South Woodstock, Windham County, Connecticut ASC 24-38.
Batchelor, C. S. and Steck, R. Edward 1941 Indian Archaeology in and around Bridgeport, Conneticut ASC 12 19-26.
Baxter, Elizabeth S. 1991 Retrospective on Respect ASC 54
Becker; Marshall 2006 Foragers in Southern New England: Correlating Social Systems, Maize Production, and Wampum ASC 68 75-108.
Bellantoni, Nicholas 1991 Two Prehistoric Human Skeletal Remains from the Morgan Site, Rocky Hill, Connecticut ASC 54 13-20.
Bellantoni, Nicholas 1996 Doctor, Lawyer, Indian Chief: The Many Roles of the State Archaeologist ASC 59
Bellantoni, Nicholas 2005 Critical Issues in Connecticut Archaeological Preservation ASC 67 11-20.
Bellantoni, Nicholas 2006 Douglas Jordan, Ph.D. ASC 68 7-10.
Bellantoni, Nicholas 2008 Museum Showcase: Norris L. Bull’ s “Monolithic Axe” ASC 70 101
Bellantoni, Nicholas, Lavin, Lucianne, and Buschang, Peter H. 1986 Comparative Analysis of Prehistoric Human Osteological Materials from Milford, Connecticut ASC 49
Bello, Charles A. 1994 A Comment on Edge-Perforated Artifacts ASC 57
Bello, Charles A. 1994 Edge-Perforated Artifacts: Additional Sources for Information ASC 57
Bello, Charles A. 1994 An Edge-Perforated Sinewstone from Hamilton Township, Mercer County, New Jersey ASC 57
Bendremer,Jeffrey C.,  Thomas, Elaine L., and Davison, Faith Damon 2008 Mohegan Oral Tradition, Archaeology, and the Legacy of Uncas ASC 70 75
Bourn, Richard Q. Jr. 1970 New Submerged Sites of Coastal Connecticut ASC 36 5-16.
Bourn, Richard Q. Jr. 1972 New Submerged sites of coastal Connecticut ASC 37 5-16.
Bourn, Richard Q. Jr. 1977 Hammonasset Beach site (6 NH 36) ASC 40 14-40.
Bourn, Richard Q. Jr. 1995 The Ferry Road Site (6-MD-96) ASC 58 31-66.
Bourn, Richard Q. Jr. 2002 The Smith Brook Site (6-HT-23) ASC 64
Brody, Lisa R. 1993 Yale College in the 19th Century: An Archaeological Perspective ASC 56
Butler, Eva L. 1946 The brush or stone memorial heaps of Southern New England ASC 19 3-l2.
Butler, Eva L. 1948 Algonkian Culture and Use of Maize in Southern New England ASC 22 3-39.
Butler, Eva L. 1953 Notes on Indian ethnology and history ASC 27 35-47.
Byers, Douglas S. 1962 Thoughts on New England archaeology ASC 2-7.
Byers, Douglas S. and Rouse, Irving 1960 A re-examination of the Guida farm ASC 30 3-66.
Calogero, Barbara Anderson 1983 Rock Art of New England ASC 46 1-14.
Calogero,Barbara l. and Philpotts, Anthony R. 2006 Human Behavior as Reflected in Stone Blade Caches ASC 68 55-74.
Carese, Mary R. 1949 The Mohawk Iroquois ASC 23 3-54.
Cassedy, Daniel F. 2007 From Little Falls to Long Island Sound: Archaeology of the Iroquois Pipeline ASC 69
Cassedy, Daniel F. 1999 The Archaic Florescence: the Late and Terminal Archaic Periods of Connecticut as Seen from the Iroquois Pipeline ASC 62
Cassedy, Daniel F. and Lavin, Lucianne 2007 Prehistoric Interaction between Eastern New York and Southern New England ASC 69
Cassedy, Daniel F., Brakenridge, G. Robert, and Tracy, Brian 2007 The Deep Testing Program of the Iroquois Pipeline: Archaeology and Geomorphology of the Schoharie Creek Floodplain ASC 69
Coffin, Claude C. 1936 Impressed Shell Designs on Connecticut Indian Pottery ASC 2-6.
Coffin, Claude C. 1937 Prehistoric Shell Heap at the Mouth of Housatonic ASC 10-19.
Coffin, Claude C. 1938 An Indian Village Site at Cedar Ridge, Upper White Hills, Shelton, Connecticut ASC 9-11.
Coffin, Claude C. 1939 Excavations in Southwestern Connecticut ASC 10 33-49.
Coffin, Claude C. 1941 Red paint graves ASC 12 3-10.
Coffin, Claude C. 1946 Final Work at the Eagle Hill Site ASC 19 18-36.
Coffin, Claude C. 1947 Ancient Fish Weirs along the Housatonic River ASC 21 35-38.
Coffin, Claude C. 1951 The Eagle Hill Ridge Site, Laurel Beach, Milford, Connecticut56 ASC 25 26-54.
Coffin, Claude C. 1963 Baldwin’s Station: Indian Village Site, Milford, Conn ASC 32 27-57.
Coffin, Claude C. 1963 A ceremonial stone table ASC 32 59-60.
Coffin, Claude C. 1963 Connecticut Indian burials ASC 32 61-64.
Cooke, David G. 1988 Morgan site: The Beginning ASC 51
Cooke, David G. 1989 Adena Related Burials: Glastonbury, Connecticut ASC 52
Cooke, Claude C. 1963 Rock Shelter Occupations by Connecticut Indians ASC 32 6-11.
Cooke, Claude C. 1963 Seaside Indian Village Site, Fort Trumbull Beach, Milford, Conn ASC 32 12-25.
Cooke, David G. and Jordan, Barbara 1972 An Adena-like burial at East Windsor Hill ASC 37 47-51.
Cruson, Daniel 2001 The Archaeology of an Enlisted Man’s Hut at Putnam Memorial State Park ASC 63
Cruson, Daniel 2002 The Archaeology of an Enlisted Man’s Hut at Putnam Memorial State Park ASC 64
Cruson, Daniel 2008 The Freedom – Davis House: The African American Spiritual Nature of Cato Freedom ASC 70 87
Cruson, Daniel and Hoag, Elizabeth 1992 Pot Hunting, Looting, and the Indian Ledge Site ASC 55 87-90.
Dincauze, Dena F. 1973 Prehistoric occupation of the Charles River estuary: a paleogeographic study ASC 38 25-39.
Dincauze, Dena F. 1975 Ceramic Sherds from Charles River ASC 39 5-17,
Dowd 1986 Rhode Island Prehistoric Ceramic inventory ASC 49
Feder, Kenneth 1980 Archaeology in the Bookstacks: The Search for the Old Tunxis Village ASC 42 12-14.
Feder, Kenneth 1984 Pots, Plants, and People: The Late Woodland Period in Connecticut ASC 47 99-111.
Feder, Kenneth 1999 The Late Woodland Revisited: The Times, They Were A-changin’ (But Not That Much) ASC 62
Feder, Kenneth 2004 The Glazier Blade Cache: 30 Remarkable Blades Found in Granby, Connecticut ASC 66
Feder, Kenneth and Banks, Marc 1996 Archaeological Survey of the McLean Game Refuge, Granby and Simsbury, Connecticut ASC 59 39-51.
Fiedel, Stuart 1988 Orient Fishtail Points ASC 51
Forrest, Daniel T. 1999 Beyond Presence and Absence: Establishing Diversity in Connecticut’s Early Holocene Archaeological Record ASC 62
Forrest, Daniel T. , Jones,Brian, and Thorsen,  Robert 2008 The Adriaen’s Landing Project and the Development of the Connecticut River Floodplain at Hartford ASC 70
Fowler, William Smith 1946 Stone Age Methods of Woodworking in the Connecticut Valley ASC 20 3-32.
Fowler, William Smith 1951 Ragged Mountain: Cultural Sequence in a Connecticut Quarry-shelter ASC 25 3-25.
Funk, Robert E. 1984 Recent Advances in Connecticut Archaeology: The View from New York ASC 47 129-143.
Funk, Robert E. and Pfeiffer, John 1988 Archaeological and environmental investigations on Fishers Is, NY ASC 51
Galinat, R. , Glynn, Frank, and Keener, Roger L. 1962 A proposed first step towards projectile point classification ASC 31 47-49.
George, David R. 1997 Late Prehistoric Archaeobotany of Connecticut: Providing A Context For the Transition to Maize Horticulture ASC 60 13-28.
Glynn, Frank 1953 The Pilot’s Point submerged sites ASC 27 11-29.
Glynn, Frank 1966 Foreword, Notes to Wawekas Hil1, or Mohegan’s watchtower and tombstone ASC 34 41
Glynn, Frank 1973 Excavation of the Pilot’s Point Stone Heaps ASC 38 77-89.
Goodwin, Matt 2006 The Second Hill Brook Site, Roxbury, Connecticut ASC 68 29-42.
Gradie, Robert R. and Poirier, David A. 1992 Connecticut Historical and Industrial Archaeology Bibliography ASC 55
Gradie, Robert R. and Poirier, David A. 1999 Connecticut’s Recent Past: Perspectives from Historical Archaeology ASC 62
Gudrian, Fred 1991 The Salmon River Rock Shelter ASC 54
Gudrian, Fred 1992 Southington Rock Shelters ASC 55 21-37.
Gudrian, Fred 1993 Guide for the Avocational Archaeologist, Part I: The Dig ASC 56
Gudrian, Fred 1995 An Examination of Late Woodland Ceramic Pipe Fragments from the Morgan Site in Rocky Hill, Connecticut ASC 58 13-29.
Gudrian, Fred 1997 Guide For the Avocational Archaeologist, Part II: Pottery Analysis ASC 60
Gudrian, Fred 2001 An Analysis of Lithic Artifacts from the Morgan Site in Rocky Hill, Connecticut ASC 63
Harper, Ross 2006 Small Digs: Archaeological Excavations at the Jonathan Trumbull, Jr. House, Lebanon, Connecticut ASC 68 109
Hoag, Elizabeth A. and von Jena, Kathleen 2005 The Archaeological Contributions and Legacy of Daniel T. Cruson: For the Sheer Love of Knowledge ASC 67 99-114.
Hoffman, Curtiss 1991 The Persistence of Memory: Neville and Stark Points in Southern New England ASC 54 23-53.
Holt, Henry M.R.  and Luhman, Hope E. 2007 Iroquois Pipeline Site 230-3-1: Lessons from a Hudson Valley Late Woodland Occupation ASC 69
Howlett, Katherine 2004 ASC 66
Jackson, George A. 1940 Mineralogy of Connecticut artifacts ASC 11 3-56.
Jones, Brian D. 2005 The Mashantucket Pequot Museum and Research Center Program in Archaeological Research and Preservation ASC 67 77-84.
Jones, Brian D. 1999 The Middle Archaic Period in Connecticut: The View from Mashantucket ASC 62
Jones, Brian D. and Centola Lisa 2008 Late Archaic Sites Documented During the Route 7 Reconstruction Survey, New Milford, Connecticut ASC 70 17
Jordan, Douglas F., Poirier, David A, and Gradie III,Robert R. 1981 The Gungywamp Controversy ASC 44 1-3.
Jostrand, Theodore H. 1970 The Eckart Site, Southsbury, Connecticut. A Preliminary Report on a Probable Archaic Campsite and Workshop ASC 36 7-16.
Juli, Harold D. 1995 Comment on “A Mysterious Polished and Perforated Artifact From Fairhaven” ASC 58
Juli, Harold D. 1999 Current Perspectives on Early and Middle Woodland Archaeology in Connecticut ASC 62
Juli, Harold D. 2001 Historical Archaeology at the Huntington Farm Site, Scotland, Connecticut ASC 63
Juli, Harold D. 2002 Historical Archaeology at the Huntington Farm Site, Scotland, Connecticut ASC 64
Juli, Harold D. 2005 History and Perspectives in Connecticut Archaeological Preservation ASC 67 3-10.
Juli, Harold D. 2005 Advancing Agendas in Connecticut Archaeology and Preservation: Results and Recommendations of the Spring 2003 Archaeological Society of Connecticut Preservation Conference ASC 67 115-124.
Juli, Harold D. and Kelley, Marc A. 1991 The Excavation of a Human Burial Along the Thames River, Southeastern CT ASC 54 3-11.
Juli, Harold D. and McBride, Kevin 1984 Early and Middle Woodland Periods of Connecticut Prehistory: Focus on the Lower Connecticut River Valley ASC 47 89-98.
Kaeser, Edward J. 2004 The Bartow Lagoon Site, Pelham Bay Park, Bronx County, New York ASC 66
Kaeser, Edward J. 2006 The Abbott Complex of Coastal New York ASC 68 43-54.
Kaeser, Edward J. 2008 The Reconnaissance & Test of the Kaeser Site, Pelham Bay Park, Bronx County, New York ASC 70 31
Keener, Roger L. 1965 The Phillips site excavation ASC 33 13-44.
Kerber, Jodan E. 1990 Saving Endangered Sites in Southern New England: Public Archaeology at Lambert Farm, Warwick, Rhode Island ASC 53
Kowalsky, Andrew J 1972 Dickenson Creek burial ASC 37 17
Kowalsky, Andrew J 1977 An Indian Burial at East Windsor Hill, Connecticut (6 HT 8) ASC 40 11-12.
Larson, Valerie 1970 Ecological interpretation in archaeological reconstruction ASC 36 25-33.
Lavin, Lucianne 1984 Connecticut Prehistory: A Synthesis of Current Archaeological Investigations ASC 47 5-40.
Lavin, Lucianne 1988 Morgan Site, Rocky Hill, CT: Late Woodland Farming Community ASC 51 7-21.
Lavin, Lucianne and Miroff, Laurie 1992 Aboriginal Pottery from the Indian Ridge Site, New Milford, CT ASC 55 39-61.
Lavin, Lucianne 1993 A Mysterious Polished and Perforated Artifact from Fairhaven ASC 56
Lavin, Lucianne 1994 More News on Ground and Edge-Perforated Artifacts ASC 57
Lavin, Lucianne 1995 A Reconstructed Late Woodland Pot from Shelton, Connecticut ASC 58 83-87.
Lavin, Lucianne 1997 Diversity in Southern New England Ceramics: Three Case Studies ASC 60 83-96.
Lavin, Lucianne 2004 Museum Showcase ASC 66
Lavin, Lucianne 2006 Museum Showcase: Three Birdstones from Connecticut ASC 68 109
Lavin, Lucianne 2007 Museum Showcase: Two Pendants from the Still River Drainage, New Milford ASC 69
Lavin, Lucianne and Kra, Renee 1994 Prehistoric Pottery Assemblages from Southern Connecticut: A Fresh Look at Ceramic Classification in Southern New England ASC 57
Lavin, Lucianne and Russell, Lyent W. 1985 Excavations of the Burwell-Karako Site: New Data on Cultural Sequences and Artefact Typologies in Southern New England ASC 48 45-87.
Lavin, Lucianne and Salwen, Bert 1983 Fastener Site: A New Look at the Archaic-Woodland Transition in the Lower Housatonic Valley ASC 46 15-43.
Lavin, Lucianne, Gudrian, Fred, and Miroff, Laurie 1993 Prehistoric Pottery from the Morgan Site, Rocky Hill, CT ASC 56 63-100.
Lawrence, Julia F. and Rowe, H. Gordon 1953 Indian Sites in and near Pine Orchard ASC 27 30-34.
Lenik, Edward 1978 Ancient inscriptions in Western CT ASC 41 5-13.
Lindner, Christopher R. 1998 Eight Rockshelters in the Ashokan Catskills and Comparison with Site Clusters in the Hudson Highlands and Connecticut ASC 61
Lopez, Julius 1958 Curvilinear design elements in the New York coastal area ASC 28 3-11.
Lopez, Julius and Wisniewski, Stanley 1958 Discovery of a possible ceremonial dog burial in the city of greater New York ASC 29 14-20.
MacCurdy, George G. 1962 The passing of a Connecticut rock shelter ASC 31 9-18.
Malcarne, Donald 2003 The British Attack at Essex, Connecticut & Related Archival / Archaeological Investigation ASC 65
Malcarne, Donald 2005 Archaeology and Historic Preservation in the Best Small Town in America ASC 67 37-48.
Marin, Raymond 1988 “Rock Shelter #14: A Prehistoric Campsite in Northeastern Connecticut ASC 51 23-28.
Mason, Van Wyck 1938 Bermuda’s Pequots ASC 12-16.
McBride, Kevin A. 1984 Middle and Late Archaic Periods in the Connecticut River Valley: A Re-examination ASC 47 55-72.
McBride, Kevin A. and Bellantoni, Nicholas F. 1982 Utility of Ethnohistoric Models for Understanding Late Woodland-Contact Change in Southern New England ASC 45 51-64.
Mcbride, Kevin A. and Grumet, Robert S. 1996 The Mashantucket Pequot Indian Archaeological District: A National Historic Landmark ASC 59
McWeeney, Lucinda 1986 Sea Level Rise and Site Submergence ASC 49 53-60.
McWeeney, Lucinda 1991 Plant Macrofossil Identification As A Method Toward Archaeo-Environmental Reconstructions ASC 54
McWeeney, Lucinda 1999 A Review of Late Pleistocene and Holocene Climate Changes in Southern New England ASC 62
Means, Carroll A. 1947 Mohegan – Pequot relationships, as indicated by the events leading to the Pequot massacre of 1637 and subsequent claims in the Mohegan land controversy ASC 21 26-34.
Merwin, Daria E. 2003 Maritime History of Southern New England: The View From Long Island, New York ASC 65
Merwin, Daria E.,  Lynch, Daniel P., and Robinson, David S. 2003 Submerged Prehistoric Sites in Southern New England: Past Research and Future Directions ASC 65
Miller, Gordon S. 1993 An Amateur’s Comparison of Indian Artifacts Between and Western and South Central CT ASC 56
Millis, Tracy L. and Millis, Heather 2007 Settlement and Subsistence in the Lower Housatonic River Valley ASC 69
Moeller, Roger W. 1984 Paleo-Indian and Early Archaic Occupations in Connecticut ASC 47 41-54.
Moeller, Roger W. 1987 Stone Walls, Stone Lines, and Supposed Indian  graves ASC 50 17-22.
Moeller, Roger W. 1999 A View of Paleo-Indian Studies in Connecticut ASC 62
Nadeau, Jaclyn  and Bellantoni, Nicholas 2004 Lithic Artifact and Bio-archaeological Analyses of a Possible Adena  Burial Site (CT84-51) in Milford, Connecticut ASC 66
Omwake, H. G. 1958 Kaolin pipes from the Schurz site ASC 29 3-13.
Osgood, Cornelius 1943 The first ten years of the Archaeological Society of Connecticut ASC 16 3-5.
Osgood, Cornelius 1935 Organization and aims of the Society ASC 3-4.
Osgood, Cornelius and Rouse, Irving 1936 Suggestions for the excavation of a prehistoric Connecticut site ASC 7-14.
Pagoulatos, Peter 1983 Terminal Archaic Settlement-subsistence Patterns in the Lower Connecticut River Valley: A Set of Testable Hypotheses ASC 46 55-62.
Pagoulatos, Peter 1990 Terminal Archaic ‘Living Areas’ in the Connecticut River Valley ASC 53 59-72.
Pagoulatos, Peter 1991 The Functional Uses of Eastern CT Quartzite ASC 54
Pagoulatos, Peter 1992  Heating Duration and Thermally Altered Stone ASC 55
Pagoulatos, Peter 1992 The Maintenance of Eastern CT Quartzite Tools: An Experimental Study ASC 55
Pagoulatos, Peter 1993 The Manufacture of  Eastern CT Quartzite Tools: An Experimental Study ASC 56 57-62.
Pagoulatos, Peter 1995 Thermal Alteration of Shell as an Inference for Shell Midden Site Duration and Re-Use ASC 58 89-97.
Pagoulatos, Peter 1997 Sacred Landscapes and Traditional Cultural Properties: Plant-Gathering Loci From New Jersey’s Outer Coastal Plain ASC 60
Pagoulatos, Peter 2002 Early Woodland Settlement Patterns: A View from New Jersey ASC 64
Pagoulatos, Peter 2004 An Interregional Comparison of Middle Woodland Settlement Patterns: A View From the   State of New Jersey ASC 66
Parker, Johnson 1987 Paleoecological Relationships in Late Pleistocene/Holocene in New England ASC 50 1-16.
Parkos, Joseph 1991 A Deer Antler Pipe from Eastern CT ASC 54
Parkos, Joseph 1991 The M.R. Site, A Preliminary Report ASC 54
Parkos, Joseph 1992 Unidentified Artifact from the Salmon River in Eastern CT ASC 55
Pawloski, John A. 1972 Boulder home site ASC 37 18-25.
Peals, Arthur 1937 The forgotten stone house ASC 7-9.
Pfeiffer, John 1982 Remote Sensing: Archaeological Application in Southern New England ASC 45 75-83.
Pfeiffer, John 1983 Beshan Lake: 4500 Years of Prehistory ASC 46 45-53.
Pfeiffer, John 1984 Late and Terminal Archaic Periods of Connecticut Prehistory ASC 47 73-88.
Pfeiffer, John 1986 Dill Farm Locus 1: Early and Middle Archaic Components in Southern New England ASC 49 19-35.
Pfeiffer, John 1993 Hopeville Pond: Archaeological Evidence of a Middle Woodland Jack’s Reef Component in Eastern CT ASC 56 101-114.
Pfeiffer, John 1994 The Archaeological Rescue of the Spencer Site in Westbrook, CT ASC 57
Pfeiffer, John 1996 Post-Contact Populations on the Nehantic Reservation of Lyme, Connecticut ASC 59
Pfeiffer, John and Malcarne, Donald 1989 An Investigation into the Ancient Burial Ground at Crescent Beach, Niantic, Connecticut ASC 52 61-69.
Pfeiffer, John and Stuckenrath, Robert 1989 Radiometric Dates From Two Cremation Burial Sites in Southern New England ASC 52
Poirier, David A. 1958 A Discussion of Two Disturbed Clay Pipe Finds from Stamford, Connecticut ASC 29 10-18.
Poirier, David A. 1975 Forty years after: a belated examination of several of the historical artifacts within the University_of Connecticut Anthropological collections ASC 39 27-34.
Poirier, David A. 2005 Accomplislunents in Archaeological Preservation: National Register of Historic Places Archaeological Sites in Connecticut, National Historic Landmark Archaeological Sites in Connecticut and Connecticut State Archaeological Preserves ASC 67 125-128.
Poirier, David A. 1973 A silver pendant ASC 38 90
Poirier, David A. and Bellantoni, Nicholas 2003 Landlubbers in a Wet World: Administrative Perspectives on Connecticut’s Underwater Heritage ASC 65
Poirier, David A. and Gradie, Robert R. 1996 As the Wheel Turns: Changing Perspectives on Property Rights and Connecticut Hydropower ASC 59
Poirier, David A., Nicholas Bellantoni, and Mikki Aganstata 1985 Native American Burials in Connecticut: The Ethical, Scientific, and Bureaucratic Matrix ASC 48 3-12.
Pope, Gustavus D., Jr. 1952 Excavation at the Charles Tyler site ASC 26 3-29.
Pope, Gustavus D., Jr. 1953 The Pottery Types of Connecticut ASC 27 3-10.
Powell, Bernard W. 1952 Preliminary report on a southwestern Connecticut site ASC 26 30-50.
Praus, Alexis Ales 1942 Excavations at the Old Lyme Shell Heap ASC 13 3-66.
Praus, Alexis Ales 1945 The South Woodstock Site ASC 17 1-52.
Praus, Alexis Ales 1945 The midwestern taxonomic method ASC 18 13-15.
Pretola, John and Little, Elizabeth A. 1988 Nantucket: Archaeological Record from Far Island ASC 51
Rainey, Froilich G. 1936 A compilation of historical data contributing to the ethnography of Connecticut and Southern New England Indians ASC 1-16.
Rainey, Mary Lynne 2003 Maritime Resources in the Food Economy of Nantucket’s Native Americans ASC 65
Rand, Andrea J. 2008 Using Replicative Technique to Assess Prehistoric Ceramic Manufacture from Local Clay Deposits: The Morgan Site Ceramics ASC 70 45
Reeve, Stuart A.  and  Forgacs, Katherine 1999 Connecticut Radiocarbon Dates: A Study of Prehistoric Cultural Chronologies and Population Trends ASC 62
Rivers, Loretta J. 1990 Archaeology: A Tool  for the Recovery of Data for Local History ASC 53
Rogers, Edward H. 1935 A double burial near Niantic ASC 2-3.
Rogers, Edward H. 1943 The Indian River Village Site, Milford, Connecticut ASC 15 3-78.
Rouse, Irving 1939 Some Suggestions as to Historical Perspective in Connecticut Archeology ASC 5-25.
Rouse, Irving 1939 A preliminary archaeological bibliography of the eastern United States, part one ASC 1-68.
Rouse, Irving 1939 A preliminary archaeological bibliography of the eastern United States, part two ASC 10 1-32.
Rouse, Irving 1947 Ceramic Traditions and Sequences in Connecticut ASC 21 10-25.
Rouse, Irving 1952 Some recent publications ASC 26
Rowe, John H. 1936 Archaeology as a career ASC 19-28.
Russell, Lyent W. 1941 A red paint grave in Guilford ASC 12 11-18.
Russell, Lyent W. 1942 The Menunketisuck Site, Westbrook, Connecticut ASC 14 3-56.
Russell, Lyent W. 1942 Copper spearpoints ASC 14 57-62.
Russell, Lyent W. 1943 The New Haven Chapter ASC 16 6-8.
Russell, Lyent W. 1947 Indian Burials at Niantic, Connecticut ASC 21 39-43.
Russell, Lyent W. 1975 Ten Scaticook Indian.baskets ASC 39 18-22.
Russell, Lyent W. 1977 An Unusual Stone Pestle ASC 40 44-45.
Russell, Lyent W. 1980 Van Wilgen site, North Branford ASC 42 29-33.
Russell, Lyent W. 1994 A Note on Polished and Perforated Artifacts from Connecticut ASC 57
Russell, Lyent W. 1995 A Description of Some Interesting Artifacts ASC 58
Russell, Lyent W. 1997 The Cotton Hill Steatite Quarry ASC 60 43-49.
Russell, Lyent W. 1998 Primitive Methods of Drilling Stone ASC 61
Salwen, Bert 1966 European Trade Goods and the Chronology of the Fort Shantok Site ASC 34 5-39.
Sargent, Howard R. 1952 A Preliminary Report on the Excavations at Grannis Island ASC 26 30-50.
Saunders, Cece  and Stewart, Robert C. 1996 A Bridge Through Time: Non-Chronocentric Archaeology in an Urban Setting ASC 59
Saunders, Cece and Poirier, David A. 2005 Preservation and Public Education: Connecticut’s State Archaeological Preserves Program ASC 67 21-36.
Sgarlata, Cosmo 2006 The Archaeology of West Rock: The Importance of Trap-rock Ridges in Connecticut Prehistory ASC 68 11-28.
Sharp 1980 New Haven Harbor area from settlement to 20th century ASC 42
Smith, Carlyle S. 1947 An outline of the archeology of coastal-New York ASC 21 3-9.
Smith, Wilbur F. 1946 The Quest of an Indian garden ASC 19 13-17.
Snyder, Thomas W. 1962 The broken axe ASC 22-23.
Solecki, Ralph 1947 An Indian burial at Aqueduct, Long Island ASC 21 44-49.
Solecki, Ralph 1950 The archeological position of historic Fort Corchaug, Long Island and its relation to contemporary fortss ASC 24 3-40.
Solecki, Ralph and Wisniewski, Stanley 1958 A naturally grooved boulder on an archeological site in Bayside, Long Island ASC 28 30-31.
Spiess, Mathias 1937 Podunk Indian Sites ASC 9-11.
Stradzins, Sally 1992 The Cyrus Sherwood Bradley Collection: A Preliminary Study of the Prehistoric Native American Presence in Fairfield, CT ASC 55 1-20.
Suggs, Robert Carl 1958 The Manakaway Site, Greenwich, Connecticut ASC 29 21-47.
Swigart, Edmund K. 1973 The Kirby Brook Site (6-LF-2): An Interim Report ASC 38 40-76.
Swigart, Edmund K. 1987 Woodruff Rock Shelter Site, 6LF126, an Interim Report: Faunal Analysis as a Means to Evaluate Environment and Culture ASC 50 43-75.
Taylor, Walter Willard, Jr. 1935 Quantitative Analysis in Connecticut Archaeology ASC 2-23.
Thompson, Arthur R. 1939 The identity of the red paint people ASC 3-4.
Thompson, David A. 1975 Further data on the Sylan Lake complex at Lake Waramaug ASC 39 23-26.
Thompson, David A. 1975 The Hansel Site (6-LF-15): A Rockshelter in Litchfield County ASC 39 35-48.
Thompson, David H. 1988 Kent Sugar Loaf Hill site, Kent, CT ASC 51 29-45.
Thompson, David H. 1989 The Susquehanna Horizon as Seen From the Summit of Rye Hill (6LF100), Woodbury, Connecticut ASC 52 17-50.
Thompson, David H. 1995 Turkey-Tails as a Measure of Marginality and Economic Exchange in Connecticut ASC 58 71-81.
Thompson, David H. 1973 Preliminary excavations at the Hopkins site (6-LF-l), Warren, Connecticut ASC 38 5-24.
Thompson, Martin 1943 The Hartford Chapter ASC 16 9-10.
Thompson, Martin 1945 Excavations at the Powder Hollow site ASC 18 1-12.
Tidwell and etal 1986 Experimental Pottery Making ASC 49
Tottenham, Jeffrey 1990 The Point of the Matter ASC 53
Tryon, Christian A.  and Philpotts, Anthony R. 1997 Possible Sources of Mylonite and Hornfels Debitage From the Cooper Site, Lyme, Connecticut ASC 60
Vargo and Vargo 1986 Tamarack Site ASC 49
Vescelius, Gary 1952 Excavated material from Pine Orchard, Branford, Connecticut ASC 26 51-53.
Vibert, Edith M. 1970 The Waldron Cache, South Windsor, Connecticut: Provocative Points and Pipe from Podunk ASC 36 17-22.
von Jena, Kathleen and Reeve, Stuart 2005 Poverty Hollow: The Preservation of an Evolving Historic Landscape in Redding, Connecticut ASC 67 49-76.
Waller, Joseph N. and Leveille, Alan 1998 Archaeological Investigations at Site RI 2050 in Cranston, Rhode Island:A Native America Steatite Processing Site ASC 61
Waller, Joseph N.. and Mair, A. Peter 2001 Archaeology Within Long Island Sound: Archaeological Investigations on Faulkner Island, Guilford, Connecticut ASC 63
Warner, Frederic W. 1972 The foods of the Connecticut Indians ASC 37 27-46.
Waters, Joseph H. 1962 Some.animals used as food by successive cultural groups in New England ASC 31 29-46.
Waters, Joseph H. 1965 Animal Remains from Some New England Woodland Sites ASC 33 4-11.
Wiegand, Ernest A. 1980 The Rockrimmon Rockshelter (6-FA-116) ASC 42 15-28.
Wiegand, Ernest A. 1987 Prehistoric Ceramics of Southwestern Connecticut: An Overview and Reevaluation ASC 50 23-42.
Wiegand, Ernest A. 1998 A Unique Prehistoric Vessel from Stamford, Connecticut ASC 61 21-25.
Wiegand, Ernest A. 2005 Norwalk Community College’s Archaeology as an Avocation Program: The Contributions of the Citizen Archaeologist to Historic Preservation ASC 67 85-98.
Wieland, Lynn-Marie 2002 The Dutch, the English, the Indians, and the Deeds: 1640-1743 64 43-54
Wilcox, U. Vincent III 1967 The Lewis-Walpole site of Farmington, Connecticut: a preliminary report ASC 35 5-48.
Williams, Lorraine E., Mcbride, Kevin A., and Grumet, Robert S. 1997 Fort Shantok National Historic Landmark ASC 60 29-42.
Witek, John Charles 1990 An Outline of the Aboriginal Archaeology of Shelter Island, New York ASC 53
Ziac, Delcy C. and Pfeiffer, John 1989 Dry Bone Cremations from Five Sites in New England ASC 52 55-60.
1977 Rizzo site ASC 40
1977 Index to Volumes 1 – 39 ASC 40
1989 Public Act No. 89-368 ASC 52
1989 ASC constitution ASC 52